Native Programs Directory

Chagha She Binalwod (Strengthening Youth)

Organization: White Mountain Apache Tribe of Arizona
Address: P.O. Box 1150
Whiteriver, AZ 85941
Program Director: Fred Hubbard
Telephone: (928) 338-4811
Fax: (928) 338-4930
Funding Agency: CSAT
Funding Program: TCE
Grant Number: TI 14920


The White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT), a tribal nation of 18,000 Native Americans in central Arizona, will enhance substance abuse treatment on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation. The project will provide intensive in-home, substance abuse counseling services and community-based recreational programs for up to 50 at-risk and/or court-ordered Apache youth ages 13-17 and their families each year. The Chagha She Binalwod (Strengthening Youth) project will address significant gaps in treatment services that limit access and long-term effectiveness of the current substance abuse treatment services.

Chagha She Binalwod (Strengthening Youth) will establish an on-Reservation model of treatment for addicted Native American youth ages 13-17 that will (1) decrease alcohol and substance abuse by 10% each year; (2) reduce substance-related juvenile offending by 20% each year; and (3) establish a viable diversion alternative to jailor lengthy probation.

Indian Nation Served
The White Mountain Apache Tribe on the Fort Apache Reservation

Key Components
Multi-Systemic Therapy (MST), a SAMHSA blue ribbon substance abuse treatment model, stands at the core of the project’s design. MST professionals will work with trained Apache Transition Specialists to design and deliver intensive in-home counseling to youth and families conjunction with culturally appropriate, community-designed mainstream recreational and social programs and “give back” projects. Additional resources will be directed toward WMA T Juvenile Court to increase its ability to assess delinquent youth for substance abuse issues and provide a viable diversion program to jail or lengthy probation.

Evaluation Design

Evaluation Results

Products Developed
