Native Programs Directory

Fairbanks Native Association?Long House TCE Grant

Organization: Fairbanks Native Association
Address: 201 First Avenue, Suite 200
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Program Director: Mark Snipes
Telephone: (907) 452-1648
Fax: (907) 456-4148
Funding Agency: CSAT
Funding Program: TCE AT-HM
Grant Number: TI 16461


Fairbanks Native Association’s Longhouse is an 8-bed residential modified therapeutic community providing integrated substance abuse and mental health treatment and intensive case management for homeless persons of interior Alaska.

Re-integrate homeless individuals back into Native Community.

Indian Nation Served
Alaska Native, principally Athabascan Indian

Key Components
Structured environment, low-density individualized treatment, social skills re-development with increased sense of self-worth, strong cultural re-education, immersion into local Native activities and events.

Evaluation Design
Program will collect required and unique data in 4 stages: 1) entry, 2) process while in treatment, 3) exit interview, 4) Follow-up at 6 and 12 months post-treatment. Evaluation will analyze consistency of procedure, detailed history to exit, follow-up data, asses extent to which objectives are met, and fidelity to practice.

Evaluation Results
Program will collect required and unique data in 4 stages: 1) entry, 2) process while in treatment, 3) exit interview, 4) Follow-up at 6 and 12 months post-treatment. Evaluation will analyze consistency of procedure, detailed history to exit, follow-up data, asses extent to which objectives are met, and fidelity to practice.

Products Developed
Not available yet.
