The Las Madres Project, a partnership between Amity Foundation, New Mexico AIDS Services and PB&J family services intends to create a culturally sensitive and effective substance abuse treatment program combined with an HIV/AIDS education program which will serve the at-risk and infected population of women of color and their children in the Albuquerque metropolitan area. This program will allow the agencies to expand, integrate and tailor existing services to meet the specific needs of this previously underserved population of women of color and their children. The rate of HIV/AIDS infection among women of color is on the increase in Albuquerque. By integrating HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services into substance abuse treatment services, and by tailoring both to meet the gender and cultural needs of the target population, Las Madres satisfies the need to address substance abuse and HIV/AIDS among women of color and their children in a culturally gender specific way. |
The process objectives are: implement the indigenous outreach model to engage women of color and their children; provide HIV/AIDS education and risk reduction counseling to 100 women; treat 50 women of color; by providing substance abuse and mental health treatment, and medical primary prevention; and provide primary health care to HIV/AIDS positive women and their children.
The outcome objectives focus on reducing risk behaviors, engaging and retaining women in treatment, increasing medication compliance; reducing substance abuse; reducing STDS; improving health status; increasing housing stability and employment and reducing criminal justice involvement.
Indian Nation Served
Key Components
Outreach, HIV/AIDS education and risk reduction counseling, substance abuse and mental health treatment, medical primary prevention; primary health care
Evaluation Design
The Las Madres project will be assessed through a comprehensive process and outcome evaluation utilizing the GPRA requirements and CSAT core client outcomes.
Evaluation Results
The Las Madres project will be assessed through a comprehensive process and outcome evaluation utilizing the GPRA requirements and CSAT core client outcomes.
Products Developed